Saturday, December 28, 2019

Poll Vegan is the least-appealing food word in existence

Poll Vegan is the least-appealing food word in existencePoll Vegan is the least-appealing food word in existenceIn charge of the office snacks? Firing up the grill for some coworkers this Memorial Day and planning to fire up some plant-based patties? While food allergies and dietary restrictions are increasingly common in the workplace - or, at least, accommodations for such restrictions are - theres one word you might want to avoid when setting the office lunch menu or socializing the plate of meat/dairy/everything-free cookies you just brought in vegan.Poll No vegan food, please and thank youA new poll from Morning Consult, looking at consumer food trends nationwide, finds that vegan is far and away the word most likely to make consumers less likely to buy or consume a product, with 35% saying the term repelled them versus just 17% who said the term made a product mora appealing.Vegan was followed closely on the most-repulsive list by diet (31%), sugar-free (20%), and fat-free (1 9%).Highlighting the lack of something - as with sugar-free and fat-free - was evidently a huge turn off to consumers. Who wants the treat thats less sweet or less filling?Its less clear why vegan - simply meaning using or containing no animal products - is so disfavored. Plenty of foods that one might not think of as vegan (say, many varieties of corn chips and potato chips) would apparently become less appealing if explicitly labelled as such.These are the most-appealing food wordsThe most appealing food words the poll found were Fresh, Farm fresh, and Sourced from American farmers. Eighty-one percent of Americans say a food or beverage is more appealing if labelled fresh.American consumers not willing to pay more for animal welfare or environmental stewardshipThe poll also asked consumers if theyd pay 50 cents more on a $5 item for a host of reasons. Least likely to get Americans to cough up the extra half dollar Packaging makes note of animal welfare in sourcing of the produ ct and Packaging makes note of the companys commitment to the environment (both with 82% of people saying they wouldnt pay extra).What would consumers pay extra for? Forty-five percent of respondents said theyd pay more for A brand name you know and like and 37% said the same if a product were labelled as Made in the United States.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Top 10 Jobs Most New College Graduates Should Avoid

Top 10 Jobs Most New College Graduates Should AvoidTop 10 Jobs Most New College Graduates Should AvoidIf you are a prospective or recent college graduate, you have a plethora of options to consider for jobs after graduation. However, there are some pitfalls to avoid along the path to choosing a satisfying first job.Here are the top ten jobs or employment situations to avoid Top 10 Jobs Most New College Graduates Should Avoid 1. Think twice before signing on with a family run organization. This type of small employer may be dominated by a few family members who allocate the best jobs to people in their immediate family or social circle. You are likely to find that, despite excellent performance, there are few opportunities for advancement to more responsible and lucrative roles. 2. Beware of jobs labeled as absatzwirtschaft that actually are commission ausverkauf positions.Companies know that many new graduates are attracted to marketing as a career but are much less comfortable w ith sales. Make sure that you have a clear picture of the actual job duties involved with your target job before devoting your time, energy and money to interviewing for vaguely worded marketing positions. Contact the employer and ask for clarification about the position and if they wont furnish any details, steer clear. Generally, the more money and time an employer will be investing in you as a new hire, the more legitimate the job. With pure commission jobs there is often a revolving door, you will need to produce right away or be let go, and the employer suffers few consequences. 3. Watch out for companies with network marketing schemes that promise to bring you quick riches.For example, you might be asked to buy a set of cutlery to demonstrate to people you know with sales pitches and be encouraged to recruit other salespeople to work under you for a cut of their action. Known as a pyramid sales model, these types of positions are lucrative for few people.Only a very small perc entage of graduates will be comfortable reaching out to all their contacts with a sales pitch, and the likelihood of recruiting and managing a realistically successful sales force is at least an extremely long shot, if not an impossibility. 4. One way to learn how an employer treats their new hires is to investigate how well they retain staff over time.Be extremely careful about joining an organization with high turnover, particularly in the role you are targeting.High turnover is usually an indication that employees are not treated well and/or it is difficult for them to achieve success in their jobs as constructed. Ask recruiters how many graduates were hired two years ago and how many are still with the firm. Before accepting an offer, speak with other young employees and inquire about working conditions, opportunities for advancement and their estimation of retention rates. 5. Unless you are a uniquely gifted and lucky individual, avoid online trading positions.These jobs are al luring to candidates intrigued by the excitement of the stock market. However, you will be asked to put up some of your own capital and to pay for a securities license.Most graduates should learn the basics by working in more traditional roles with a reputable investment firm before risking their own money. 6. Every job comes with a boss. Spend as much time appraising the suitability of your first supervisor as you do with the appeal of the job itself. A first boss who is autocratic, distant, uncommunicative or overly critical can be difficult for a new graduate. Pose open-ended questions to other individuals who report to your prospective supervisor. Ask them to describe the supervisors management style and strengths as a leader. Listen carefully to what they say and notice how they respond non-verbally. 7. It can be a big mistake for a graduate to choose a company which offers products or services which dont inspire them.In order to be successful in most jobs, you will need to mas ter a broad spectrum of information about the products or services which are featured by your employer. Choosing a biotechnology company if science makes your eyes glaze over is a recipe for failure. Target companies or non-profit organizations whose focus is in line with your curiosity and passions. Also avoid organizations whose values clash with yours.For example, if you are seriously committed to green causes, it might not be comfortable for you to work for a major polluter. 8. Watch out for employers who are in decline.Make sure your target employer is not losing market share, experiencing declining revenue/funding and/or emphasizing outmoded products or services. Organizations with shaky financials will usually end up cutting staff, and you might be caught up in the last hired first fired syndrome. Heres how to check out a company. 9. Be careful about taking on a job which is in an undesirable location for you.Geographic flexibility certainly is an asset for new graduates sinc e you can consider opportunities in a wide sortiment of locations.This approach will work well for you unless you have strong reasons for being in a certain area or type of location. So if the cultural attractions of a large city in the Northeastern section of the country are vitally important to you, think twice before accepting a job in rural Iowa.Likewise, if you have a long-standing romantic relationship which is central to your life, carefully consider whether a work location would make even weekend visits difficult. 10. It can be a mistake for a new graduate to accept a position which has a steep learning curve if solid mechanisms for training are not in place.Always inquire how an employer expects you to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the job and make sure the learning process is suitable given your style.Ask employees hired in the past three years how they were supported as they learned their job. Some employers will have structured, formal training prog rams while others will emphasize learning on the job. On the job training can work if new employees have access to veteran performers and mentors for assistance as they have questions and learn their role.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

10 Ways to Get on Everyones Good Side at Work - The Muse

10 Ways to Get on Everyones Good Side at Work - The Muse10 Ways to Get on Everyones Good Side at WorkHaving a hard time getting along with a certain coworker? Not sure how to break the ice between you and a colleague? Or, are you just hoping to take your relationship with your boss to the next level- a.k.a., past awkward acquaintances?Getting on someones good side- no matter who he or she may be- is just as important as sitting down every day and doing your actual job. For starters, it helps your team work better together. And the better you work together, the happier and mora enjoyable your actual job can be. (See that full circle we just did there?)All it takes is a little extra effort. Not sure how to get started? Ive listed 11 ways below.1. Throw Out a ComplimentYou know how much it brightens your day to walk into the office and have a colleague compliment your recent presentation, or even mention how flattering your new haircut is. So its no surprise that your little comment cou ld have the same positive effect.Instead of focusing solely on your own to-do list, meetings, and stresses, recognize that everyone around you is in the same boat and could use a kind word.Do it TodayPick a co-worker, any co-worker, and casually toss out a compliment. Maybe she finished a project before the deadline, maybe he had a successful sale that day, or maybe her homemade lunch just looks amazing. It doesnt have to be a significant accomplishment, just an acknowledgement. 2. Make the Conversation About the Other PersonOn average, we spend 60% of conversations talking about ourselves. Thats not shocking if you really think about it. (Dont believe it? Try counting how many times you say I in your next conversation and tell me Im wrong.)Whats my point? We love talking about ourselves, almost so much that we tend to shut everyone else out. Knowing that, the key to getting on someones good side is as easy as letting someone talk about him- or herself and simply listening, rather t han chiming in every other second.Do it TodayAsk your coworkers about their lives outside the office. What do they normally do on the weekends? And- heres the trick- actually pay attention to what they say. 3. Ask for FeedbackNobodys perfect. But some people certainly appear to be. So if youre normally the employee who never asks for assistance or always binnenlandseems to have everything put together, youre probably pretty intimidating. You dont need to play dumb, but you should show people that youre not above making mistakes, asking for feedback, or seeking out constructive criticism. Do it TodayRequest feedback on a recent project, report, or meeting. It can be as simple as saying, Im looking to improve on XYZ- and Id love your thoughts on what did I do well, as well as what I can work on in the future.4. Confront the ProblemQuick story When I was in third grade, this girl used to always glare at me during class. Eventually I got the courage to ask her if I had done something to upset her. She told me that I always glared at her during class so she thought I didnt like her either Turns out I was partially blind and needed glasses, so whenever I tried to see across the room I had to squint, making it look like I was always a bit unhappy.The moral of this story is that if you think theres something between you two, confront the situation. Do it TodayIf this scenario sounds familiar, resolve it today. Shoot the person an email asking if you can talk for a few minutes. Odds are the conversation will either be, No sorry, I have resting bitch face, or Actually I hate when you interrupt my meetings Either way, youll be on the way to figuring out the issue.For more, check out How to Disagree With a Co-Worker (and Not Want to Punch Each Other) for ways to healthily solve a disagreement.5. Stay Away From GossipPeople might like the Work Gossip for his entertainment value, but they certainly dont trust him. Your coworkers will feel more comfortable approaching you if they know they can count on you not to spread rumors. And youll feel a lot better about yourself when people recognize you as a good friend, rather than a good storyteller.Do it TodayThe next time you want to send a snarky email or chat to a co-worker, stop yourself and do something else productive instead. Check Facebook, take a walk, or get up and grab a glass of water. 6. Be ThankfulThis sounds silly, but often something as simple as thank you is all it takes to get on someones good side.Why? Because we dont really say these two words enough. Weve become so accustomed to expecting certain things at work- someone opening the door for you, someone fixing the coffee machine, someone giving up a conference room- that we forget to be grateful for the little things.Do it TodayGenuinely say thank you to a co-worker before the day is over.7. Be Aware of Other Peoples Schedules and HabitsEveryone functions differently, so even if you think your schedule works great, it may not be ideal f or everyone. Acknowledging that is the first step to becoming easier to work with. So when you want to do things your way (a.k.a., only holding morning meetings because its when your brain is sharpest), consider putting aside your preferences and letting your colleagues have some input, too. Do it TodayThe next time someone asks to meet with you, dont just send your availability. Also ask what works best for him or her. Novel, I know.8. Offer to HelpDont you have days when you wish you had an extra pair of hands? Well, tell you what, you could be that extra set of hands to someoneYou cant be expected to take everything off another persons plate, but even just offering to bring lunch while he or shes cranking out reports could make someones day. Do it TodayWhen you have free time, dont use it to catch up on Instagram. Instead offer up your assistance to a co-worker who looks overwhelmed. 9. Initiate an InteractionSome employees are shy or more introverted, so they might seem like the y dont like you simply because they dont know how to approach you. So, be the first one to initiate and get to know someone.Do it TodayThe next time you pop out of the office to grab lunch, or a coffee, invite someone you dont often speak with to joih you.10. Plan an OutingThe best place to actually get to know someone is usually outside the office- away from all the formality and jargon. Youll be able to have a more casual and relaxed conversation thatll (hopefully) lead to you bonding over something besides the new accounting strategy.Do it TodayShoot out an email to your team asking whos available to grab a drink next week. Simple, right?11. Know When Its Time to Connect (and When Its Not)Sometimes people are just not in the mood to chat with you- about work-related matters or otherwise. Be aware that while your conversation may be about an upcoming project, it might not be on this persons radar at the moment. Do it TodayBefore you interrupt someones work with a project status up date, do a quick visual check to see if he or she seems busy, or even just in the zone. If so, refrain. Photo of co-workers laughing courtesy of Shutterstock.

Friday, December 13, 2019

From Engineer to Entrepreneur

From Engineer to Entrepreneur From Engineer to Entrepreneur Steven L. Reid founded Industrial Environmental Systems in Marietta, Georgia, in 2001. With a BSE from the University of Alabama-Birmingham and an MEPP from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Reid has been an engineering professional for over 30 years. He recognized his entrepreneurial inclination at an early age. As a teenager I preferred working at odd jobs like mowing lawns and doing day work, as opposed to having a steady job at, say, a grocery store, he says. In engineering school, I was a cooperative-education student. I worked at a large research laboratory and that experience taught me I did not want to be a one-dimensional engineer.After a 20-year career with an engineering firm in Atlanta, serving as engineering manager and chief operating officer, Reid still felt unfulfilled because he was not in a position to make important, strategic decisions for the company. As a result, he followed his entrepreneurial yearn ing to start his own companya contract manufacturer of stacks, ductwork, pollution control, and noise control systemswherbeie he (happily) calls all the shots every day.In this interview, Reid talks about the business skills that engineers need to be a successful entrepreneur.Steve, looking back as an engineer and owner of your own company, how did your education prepare you to be an entrepreneur?First, I earned a BSE degree. As a foundation, that degree gave me equal amounts of electrical, materials, mechanical, and civil engineering courses. Then I enrolled in the MBA program immediately after completing my BSE. I worked as a sales (application) engineer during the day and attended business classes in the evening. There were no executive MBAs back then so I had to complete seven foundation courses including accounting, management, operations management, economics, marketing, and statistics. Although I did not finish my MBA, these courses gave me an excellent technology-based entre preneur background.In general, what would you say are an engineers weaknesses when it comes to being an entrepreneur?Two highly valued strengths of engineers can actually become weaknesses intelligence and precision. Engineers are highly intelligent and can become frustrated when others with whom they interact are not as knowledgeable about their subject (entrepreneurs need to be flexible and patient). Engineers also value precise solutions that sometimes may not be worth the effort, time, or money necessary to complete (entrepreneurs sometimes need to make quick decisions and cant wait for precise solutions). Engineers also tend to devalue soft skills or visionary thinking. They may also resist change once on a given paththey want to finish something, even if it adds no more value.How is the field of engineering changing regarding entrepreneurship?The field of engineering is becoming more multidisciplinary. For example, UW-Madisons Masters in Engineering and Professional Practice ( MEPP) degree teaches engineering management skills such as accounting, leadership, international relations, quality management, communication skills, and researchall vital skills for being an entrepreneur and establishing and running your own business.Does being entrepreneurial make you a better engineer?Key aspects to being entrepreneurial are vision and opportunity. Being entrepreneurial allows an engineer to be more strategic in a project or in an organization. This means he or she can wear different hats and contribute in multiple ways. Being involved at multiple, cross-disciplinary levels can give an engineer a broader perspective on the end result of the project, sometimes resulting in engineering insights and decisions that improve the final product.Although an entrepreneur is generally defined as an individual, a group or an organization can also be entrepreneurial. Just as an individual can add other disciplines to his/her technical base, groups can do the same. When indivi duals of different skills come together and collaborate to pursue a common goal, the team can be entrepreneurial.This is also a good time to be an entrepreneur. With the globalization of business and the uncertain economy, there are plenty of opportunities to evaluate and pursue. So, the global economy, with its chaos and disarray, is actually a target-rich environment for technology-based entrepreneurs. Recognizing and vetting these opportunities, often within constrained timeframes, are challenges more easily handled by entrepreneurial engineers.Mark Crawford is an independent writer.Two highly valued strengths of engineers- intelligence and precision- can actually become weaknesses when it comes to being an entrepreneur.Steven L. Reid, contract manufacturer

Monday, December 9, 2019

A Review of Resume Samples Pdf

A Review of Resume Samples Pdf Things You Should Know About Resume Samples Pdf Other Tips for Writing Job-Specific Railroad Resumes Something to keep in mind when writing a particular railroad jobs resume is that its imperative you find out more about the position youre applying for. Resume writing is quite important skill for job seekers. Take a look at the Resume vs. CV section prior to getting started. Resumes dont have many ways that could make then stick out above all else. Virtually all related jobs ask for 3-5 important skills. If your title is exactly the saatkorn at two unique companies it starts to build credibility you could do the job, especially if the work title is exactly like the one in the work description. absatzwirtschaft teams need to know why you desire the position and the way you intended to evangelize for the item, possibly long-term. If you dont have a PDF converter, then you have to buy 1 online. Adobe Acrobat is the very best. If you get a person al site, make certain it is also professional. Then it is critical to present a great career change cover letter, to prove your abilities and abilities together with writing and reporting skills. The thought of the career change cover letter is to supply you with a chance to show your adaptability and provide you an opportunity to show good reason behind changing your preceding career field. In any work hunt where youre changing careers skillful drafting of the resume cover letter is vital. Writing If youre good with words dont be scared to show it. Best communicator A great financial counselor is ready to make the clients talk regarding their requirements, wishes and possibilities. Additionally, many individuals lack exemplary writing skills. 1 other vital part of information, if appropriate at the work interview, in the event the employer has misgivings since you dont have the essential direct experience, is to offer to work as a temporary employee till you have the mandatory experience. Try to remember, not all employers want the exact same thing, knowing which resume format is the perfect one to utilize for a specific job position in a special company is essential. You will receive the samples for each and every sort of job application. Functional Sample whenever you are referring the online resume samples, you will require a functional sample when you have employment gaps in your past. Prior to taking reference from the internet sample resumes, think on what sort of resume sample format will fit your requirements. Try to remember, theres nobody perfect format. There is a variety of of PDF converters available on the market. Lots of people are accustomed to writing cover letters and resumes in a particular format. A number of the totally free resumes which need to be downloaded will enter your word processor so that it becomes a lot easier that you read it and also make the very best use of it. Sampling system, also called sampler, is a type of equipment employed for representative sample collection from industrial processes. Identify which ones which you possess. Do not unnecessarily increase the duration of resume by including irrelevant details, but include all things which you feel may assist you in your work. A great concrete worker is ready to satz the grade of the subsequent mixture just by its density and color and has experience in creating special forms of concrete. The solution is 6 seconds for the very first pass. Asking about the kind of music the customer prefers and altering the station or merely turning the radio off shows good manners and consideration for the customer. Keep on track The print manufacturing manager is responsible for managing the entire procedure and making certain everything is delivered to the client punctually. At times the work required is really necessary and theres nobody there to do it, at times it is a test from management to see whether you fit in the organization on the very long term. In the event of any problems make certain you alter the initial planning in such a manner that the client perceives no delays. Once more its crucial to make certain that your resume is absolutely free from grammatical or formatting errors. After you have produced a marketable objective statement, the remainder of your resume must offer the supporting evidence required to fulfill the stated objective. You should be certain that your resume objective isnt vague and long. The resume objective is a huge place to show what you may be in a position to do for the geschftlicher umgang in regard to improving the organization and the main point.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Understanding Writing a Resume for a Part Time Job

Understanding Writing a Resume for a Part Time Job Well, all you need to do is include your private information, education background, experiences, and techniques. If selected for additional evaluation, you are going to be contacted via email. Working full time isnt great for students. The Fight Against Writing a Resume for a Part Time Job Most high school students have a tendency to make an application for a food services position. The very first is a header at the middle of the page which includes your contact info. Ideas to compose a resume for part-time job Firstly, be sure that you include pertinent info. For example, if the part-time job is for a position in customer assistance, it might be helpful in the event you can speak Spanish along with English. Also ask your relative or some very good friend to read your resume as finding your very own grammatical errors and typos isnt simple. You place the time in to help it become great, now make certain you also make it s een. While not all part time jobs will need a titelbild letter its always wise to write one. Following up after an interview is most likely the main portion of obtaining a job. So when the hiring company hasnt provided a salary for work, we look at salary data from related businesses and locations to produce a sensible estimate for what you may count on. Avoid implying you cant wait to get promoted from the job. In any case, finding and securing the perfect part-time job in retirement may be an important portion of a retirees overall plan. Just make sure to double-check whether adding social media to your particular resume is acceptable for the job With persistence and patience, you will gradually land the job that you desire. Even in the event that you would settle for just about any job, you should be specific once you write your objective. Be specific that you are in need of a part-time job. A part-time job resume shouldnt be lengthy, and youll wish to avoid common ge neral errors. Typically, its better to wait about a week to produce a call, and if you do, make sure you get on the phone with the individual who will be hiring. Now, theres a technique and correct method of writing a resume for certain problems. On the flip side, you might find it even more convenient to compose resumes for anybody in any state or city via the web. The good thing is you dont need to feel helpless. The Foolproof Writing a Resume for a Part Time Job Strategy Much like all roles, your CV has to be relevant. Fourth, you need to know how to schlagwort achievements and job skills so they sound distinctive and amazing. Various jobs and careers demand various resumes. Applying for a part-time job is nearly the exact same with that of a normal job in conditions of application processes. The procedure might seem daunting. In reality, in regards to first resumes and job applications, the idea ought to be to take care of the process for a learning experience. Whi le Canadian resumes are available in many distinct formats, they share some standards that you ought to know about.